Readers Say
“Briskin integrates the outer world of function with the inner soul of the person in an almost Zen-like fashion.”
~ Publishers Weekly, Religion Book Line
“Briskin has produced a tour de force, giving us an insightful history of theories and techniques that have been used to motivate, control, and manipulate American workers and then presenting us not with his own program but with a way of looking at ourselves, our work, and the outside world so that we do not violate our souls. It’s a stunning achievement…”
~ Milton Moskowitz, co-author The 100 Best Companies to Work for in America
“Drawing on various wisdom traditions, Briskin identifies soul as our link to the shadow world, the source of our vitality, a center where opposites are joined, and our connection to the divine. He argues that classical management theory has defied the soulís imperative, yielding organizations that rob us of the very energies that make life possible. He shows how soul and organizations can be creatively joined, and how leaders can help that happen. He avoids technical “fixes” but offers something more lasting and powerful – insight and understanding.
This is a splendid book, grounded in deep experience with organizations and with life. Its insights could help heal our souls, our structures, and our society.”
~ Parker Palmer, author Let Your Life Speak
“Since the future is uncertain, he says, look for answers in the present, in the dialogue that goes on between the inner and outer. Listen close enough, and lasting truths will be revealed.”
~ NAPRA Review