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bringing your soul to work
Bringing Your Soul to Work
alan briskin
the stirring of soul in the marketplace

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This was my first book, and I would say it was more like a book that demanded to be written than a book I wrote.

The Stirring of Soul in the Workplace is a story of how the human soul was gradually but systematically eliminated from our concept of work and how it must be allowed back into consciousness. When I titled the book in 1995, inspired while I was making ice cream with a hand crank, I thought of the line in 'Twas a Night Before Christmas, “not a creature was stirring, not even a mouse.” I felt the workplace was bereft of soul but that it would not be long before we would feel again the stirring of imagination, purpose, and passion.

Soul, as I use it in the book, does not belong to a person in isolation of others. We must find what is wanting to come through us and link it with what is needed in the world.

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